LISD Athletic Booster Club Family Memberships and Corporate Sponsorships for the 2024-2025 school year are now open!

Together, WE CAN build a stronger, more resilient community that takes PRIDE in the accomplishments and endeavors of our Lingleville Cardinal athletes.

Please join Lingleville Athletic Booster Club today and help us achieve our mission!

Please complete the following information and return this form with your membership fee.

Click a button below to print your Membership or Corporate Sponsorship form or select Online Family Membership & Corporate Sponsor for online processing through Cheddar Up.

LABC membership meetings are held monthly on the LISD Campus. Meetings are open to the public. Meeting agendas are posted under the documents link below.


To see upcoming news visit our Facebook page.


To contact us, send an email or stop by a concession stand.


Email -

Lingleville Athletic Booster Club is a volunteer organization whose objective is to promote and foster all athletic and physical education programs at Lingleville ISD through supplemental financial support. We work in partnership with our membership, the community, LISD Administration, and Coaches to support and invest to ensure our students continue to have the opportunity for success in their chosen athletic activity. These experiences not only provide a fun and healthy outlet for our students, but they also help keep students connected and engaged.  The primary objective is to be able to provide for and support our student athletes in basketball, cheer, cross county, football, golf, power-lifting, tennis, track & field and volleyball.

Booster Club Officers

President - Emily Martin Howle

Vice President - Armandina Vasquez

Treasurer - Tawnya James

Secretary - Amanda Vann

We would not be able to do all that has been done or carry on for the future without supporters like you and those shown below.

LABC Membership 23-24

To support LABC with a donation please use the QR Code, mail to LABC PO Box 143, Lingleville, Texas 76461 or drop off donations at LISD Office.

Donations QR Code

For additional information on LABC Supporter Opportunities, contact 254-967-3451 or