The Track meet has been cancelled for today (3-22-21).
almost 4 years ago, Lingleville ISD
IPR’s have been posted to the parent portal.
almost 4 years ago, Lingleville ISD
The LISD School Board unanimously voted tonight to make masks optional effective immediately.
almost 4 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Padres de Lingleville. Agradeceríamos mucho su aportación. A continuación se muestra el enlace para una encuesta sobre las mascarillas. Por favor tome unos minutos y responda a la encuesta los mas pronto possible.
almost 4 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Parents, only about half of the families of students in the District have answered the survey about facemasks. We would like to hear from all families of our students. This information will help our school Board make the best decision possible for the District. Thank you. Padres, solamente la mitad de las familias con estudiantes en el Districto han respondido la encuesta sobre las mascarillas. Nos gustaria saber de todas nuestras familias. Esta información ayudára a nuestra junta escolar a tomar la mejor decisión posible para el districto.
almost 4 years ago, Curt Haley
We look forward to seeing our students again tomorrow. This is much better than what we endured last year. When we return tomorrow we will still be following the same protocols that have been in place all year. The school Board will meet later this week. They will consider the information that has been gathered from staff and parents along with guidance from local health authorities, our legal counsel and TEA to make the best decision possible. The health and safety of our students and staff will be our top priority.
almost 4 years ago, Curt Haley
Lingleville Parents, We would greatly appreciate your input.. Below is the link to a parent survey regarding masks. Please take a few minutes to answer the survey at your earliest convenience. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Spring Break! We look forward to seeing all of our students on Monday. Thank you, DeeCee McDougal
almost 4 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Spring break is scheduled for March 08 to March 12, 2021. Classes will resume on Monday, March 15, 2021. Las vacaciones de primavera están programadas para marzo 08 al 12. Las clases resumen el lunes, 15 de marzo.
about 4 years ago, Lingleville ISD
Earlier today Governor Abbott held a press conference and issued a new executive order opening businesses 100% and eliminating the statewide mask mandate. He also said that his executive order for this would be in effect next Wednesday March 10, 2021. While we wait on guidance from TEA and make decisions for our district, Lingleville ISD requests that you continue following the current safety protocols.
about 4 years ago, Curt Haley
Tickets for the Game in Glen Rose are $ 5 for adults and $ 3 for students.
about 4 years ago, Curt Haley
Please feel free to join us tomorrow at 3:50 in front of the High School as we send off the Boys Basketball team!!! Let's all cheer them on to victory. I hope to see you all in Glen Rose for the game as well.
about 4 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
The lunch menus for March are now available.
about 4 years ago, Lingleville ISD
In honor and support of our HS Boys Basketball team's next playoff game, Tuesday will be a Lingleville Spirit Day!  Please wear your maroon and white with pride!  You may include face and hair paint, etc. as long as the clothing is still school appropriate. 
about 4 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Lingleville Cardinals will play Graford in Glen Rose at 6 pm on Tuesday March 2, 2021.
about 4 years ago, Curt Haley
If you are unable to go to the game tonight in Brownwood at 6:30 pm. You are in luck, you can tune into these radio broadcasts of the game live. To listen to the game, go to HTTP:// or
about 4 years ago, Curt Haley
Lingleville Boys Basketball will play Cherokee Saturday February 27, 2021 in Brownwood High School Gym at 6:30 pm. Tickets at the gate will be $ 6 Adult and $ 4 students. Be there to cheer for your Cardinals.
about 4 years ago, Curt Haley
The report cards are now in parent portal.  
about 4 years ago, Lingleville ISD
Thursday, February 25, LISD will be having our Spring Pictures taken.
about 4 years ago, Lingleville ISD
Boys Area Basketball playoff game against Richland Springs will be played Thursday February 25, 2021 at 6:30 pm at Brownwood High School. Tickets at the gate will be $6 for adults and $4 for students. Support and cheer for your Cardinals.
about 4 years ago, Curt Haley
In support of our Girls and Boys Basketball teams, which both have playoff games this week, we are having a pep rally today!!! It is scheduled from 2:10-2:40 in the High School Gym. You are welcome to join us and cheer on our student athletes. We are so extremely proud of them all!!! If attending, please follow our Covid protocols and wear masks as at times as well as sit in the designated area. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal