LISD Volunteer Training - Tuesday, April 19th - 6:00 pm - LISD Cafeteria *All volunteers for Elementary Field Day, Friday, May 20th are required to attend Volunteer Training if you have not already done so this school year.
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Today's JH track meet has been postponed to the 11th!! More info to come
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
2022-23 Pre-K and New Kindergarten Registration April 7th 2022 on campus from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Report to main entrance at Lingleville Junior High If your child will be 4 or 5 by September 1, 2022, then please call Lingleville ISD at 254-968-2596 or email Please share this information. Matriculación de Pre K y Nuevo Kindergarten del 2022-2023 7 de abril – 4-6 pm Si su hijo(a) cumplirá 4 o 5 años para el 1 de septiembre del 2022, llame al (254) 968-2596 o envie un correo electrónico a Por favor comparta esta información
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
2022-23 Pre-K and New Kindergarten Registration April 7th 2022 on campus from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Report to main entrance at Lingleville Junior High If your child will be 4 or 5 by September 1, 2022, then please call Lingleville ISD at 254-968-2596 or email Please share this information. Matriculación de Pre K y Nuevo Kindergarten del 2022-2023 7 de abril – 4-6 pm Preséntese en la entrada principal de la Lingleville Junior High Si su hijo(a) cumplirá 4 o 5 años para el 1 de septiembre del 2022, llame al (254) 968-2596 o envie un correo electrónico a Por favor comparta esta información
almost 3 years ago, Ms. Bays Please take a moment at your convenience to complete the survey at the above provided link related to our drinking water quality. We appreciate your time and input. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
STUCO and LISD will be collecting donations for Lingleville Fire Department this week. Flyers will be delivered later today to go home with your students. Thank you in advance to all who choose to participate. We are truly a family in Lingleville!!!
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
LHS Coaches Appreciation Dinner Wednesday, March 30, 2022 6:00 pm LISD Cafeteria Join us to share a meal with our LISD Coaches, LHS Athletes, and Families. We will be having fajitas. Everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert. For information about food items contact Pamela Lueck, 254-977-3956. If you have photos or videos to contribute to the slideshow, they can be emailed to Rhonda Bays at We ask that EVERYONE complete an RSVP so that there will be enough food. You can RSVP by clicking the link below. Deadline is Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Ms. Bays
There was a fire alarm activation today at the Ag classroom shop. There is no fire and the system is being reset. Thank you
almost 3 years ago, Curt Haley
The 5th 6 weeks IPR's have been posted to the parent portal.
almost 3 years ago, Taisha Armstrong
Reminder: If your student is trying out for cheer there is a mandatory parent meeting at 5:30 today, as well as practice from 4-5:30. Please contact Mrs. Vann at the school if you have any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Lingleville ISD wants to notify our stakeholders regarding the incident reported yesterday of gunshots near the school. The location of the gunshots was not on school property but at a residence located nearby. This happened during the early morning hours, approximately 2 a.m., February 24 when no one was on campus, so there was no danger to any student or staff. Had there been any issues concerning student safety, the sheriff's department would have notified the school and we would have taken the necessary precautions for the situation. Thank you for being as concerned about our students' safety as we are.
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
El viernes, 4 de marzo habrá salida a la 1:00pm para permitir que los fanáticos vayan apoyar el equipo de baloncesto en Mansfield.
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Lingleville ISD will dismiss early Friday March 4 at 1 pm to allow fans to support the boys basketball regional game at 5 pm at Mansfield Legacy High School. Go Cardinals.
almost 3 years ago, Curt Haley
Our Spring Pictures have been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 2nd. Thank you!!!!
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Lingleville ISD will start at regular time Friday February 25, 2022. Take your time and be safe in getting to school tomorrow. Busses will run regular schedule.
almost 3 years ago, Curt Haley
Reminder: Powerlifting Regional Qualifier Shirts DEADLINE WILL BE February FRIDAY 25th. Names will be updated to include all qualifiers.
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo mañana, 24 de febrero, se cancelan las clases de la escuela de Lingleville
almost 3 years ago, Dee Cee McDougal
Lingleville ISD will be closed Thursday February 24 due to the inclement weather conditions.
almost 3 years ago, Curt Haley
Las condiciones estan empeorando. Los estudiantes va a salir a las 10:45am.
almost 3 years ago, Ms. Bays
Driving conditions are getting worse. Lingleville ISD will be dismissing early today. School will dismiss and busses will run at 10:45 am Today. Be safe driving in these conditions.
almost 3 years ago, Curt Haley